# playable.js

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A lightweight HTML5 game engine.

# Installation

# Webpack/Browserify

npm install playable.js

# Direct <script> Include

Simply download (opens new window) and include with a script tag. playable will be registered as a global variable.


For prototyping or learning purposes, you can use the latest version with:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/playable.js"></script>

For production, we recommend linking to a specific version number and build to avoid unexpected breakage from newer versions:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/playable.js@3.4.5/dist/playable.min.js"></script>

You can browse the source of the NPM package at jsDelivr (opens new window) or unpkg (opens new window).

# Hello World

# JavaScript

let stage = new playable.Stage();
let text = new playable.Text('Hello playable.js');

Try it on CodePen (opens new window)

class Main extends playable.Stage {
  public constructor() {
    let text = new playable.Text('Hello playable.js');

new Main();

Try it on CodePen (opens new window)

# Documentation